- Overview: The laser scanning and flaw detection bench ROBOSCOP VTM-5000 HELICOPTERS is designed for the non-destructive testing of polymer-composite materials used in aircraft constructions: glider elements, helicopter blades, honeycomb panels It is also applicable in wind power engineering, small-sized shipbuilding, pipe fitting production, etc. All tooling (laser scanner, sensors) selection and change processes are automated.
The laser scanning and flaw detection equipment ROBOSKOP VTM-5000 HELICOPTERS for the testing of polymer-composite materials ROBOSKOP VTM-5000 HELICOPTERS is used in the production or assembling of composite structures.
The bench enables:
- impedance testing method, as a basic method for materials with a high attenuation coefficient;
- eddy current method for magnetic and ferromagnetic alloys;
- ultrasonic, including shadow, echo-pulse, phased array, laminar methods;
- laser method for geometric parameters measuring (profilometry).
The selection of test techniques and probes is programmed for the initialization steps. All NDT methods are simultaneously available. The specification of scan areas, movement paths and test speed is performed by the CAD application "Method Designer". For composite panels, sensitivity adjustment of ROBOSKOP VTM-5000 HELICOPTERS is done layer-by-layer, with regard to the physical properties of material (attenuation). During the impedance test, the optimal spectrum of probing signal is automatically selected for each material during the system initialization. The scalability of ROBOSKOP VTM-5000 HELICOPTERS allows testing parts of various shapes and sizes, the criteria ofrequired mechanization are individually specified at the design stage.
Using one robotic test bench for the whole inspection cycle enables to cutoperation time and get a high-accuracy flaw chart of a test pieceby applying all programmed inspection methods.
The NDT and laser scanning test bench ROBOSKOP VTM-5000 HELICOPTERS is applied to inspect composite parts, which are intendedfor the aircraft industry
The full testing of composite multilayered materials with maximal flaw detection resolution capacity requireto use various specialization NDT operators, testing methods & different devices.
Introduction of only one robotic measurement system allows to manage full NDT of complicated composite construction in shortest possible time. The system displays a high-precision flaw pattern obtained as a result of application of pre-defined testing methods set.